Please join us for our Virtual Talbot Veterinary Informatics Symposium on Friday, August 26, 2022. The afternoon includes this year's Allen W Hahn Lifetime Achievement Award in Veterinary Informatics presentation, lectures and live Q&A from 12-5 pm EDT. Attendees are invited to a virtual happy hour afterward.
We are pleased to bring together speakers with a wide range of professional experience, including livestock medicine, small animal practice, academic research, and disease surveillance. The lectures span the veterinary informatics field: regulatory standard development, treatment protocol creation, microbiome research, and AI-powered clinical decision support.
Note: The meeting link and passcode will be emailed to registrants before the event. We plan to record all sessions and make them available on our VetBloom portal. Following the event, we will move to a member networking session with breakout rooms that attendees can move between.

AVI members, please log in to your account prior to registering! Click the button at the top of the website.
Non-members, we invite you to join AVI and gain access to our on demand education portal powered by VetBloom. The portal includes the past two years of Talbot Symposium presentations, along with fresh new veterinary informatics content.
Contact Pam at secretary@avinformatics.org with any questions.

12:00pm ET Opening Remarks from AVI President Dr. Anne Kimmerlein, DVM, MPVM, DACVPM
12:10pm ET Al Hahn Award Presentation presented by Dr. Jeff R. Wilcke, DVM, MS, DACVCP and Dr. Julie Green, DVM, MS
1:00pm ET How to build a standard; experience from eCVI Data standard Dr. Michael Martin, DVM, MPH, DACVPM
2:00pm ET The informatic foundations of practical veterinary treatment protocols, and the task of making them accessible to veterinary practitioners and clients Dr. Jim Erlich, DVM
3:00pm ET How artificial intelligence and veterinary teams can work together to create big clinical impact Dr. Maggie Canning, DVM and Dr. Dwayne Paschall, PhD
4:00pm ET Analyzing the Gut Microbiome in Regards to Circadian Rhythms and Health Dr. Celeste Allaband, DVM, PhD
4:50pm ET Closing Remarks from Immediate Past President Dr. Rachael Kreisler, VMD, MSCE, DACVPM (Epi)
5:00pm ET Virtual Happy Hour Networking on Zoom